Never ever, in my life, will I ever do Karaoke. It sounds like the most terrifying thing but Taylor has guts, especially when the liquid courage hits. That’s how Brad and her met and it’s the most hilarious and cutest thing I’ve ever heard. The Green Frog in Fort Wayne holds the promise of fatefully good relationships, single folks. The even funnier thing is that Taylor and Brad were in the same grad program and although they had known of each other, it took a heavy amount of beer and the Green Frog to intervene and create a relationship.
It looks cold and chilly and pure autumn in these pictures but in reality, it was hot and humid. We all had back sweat but it was totally good because Taylor and Brad are the most relaxed people of all time. Their laid-back personalities pair perfectly and make me wish I was less of a high-strung person so I could be like them and I can’t wait to party with both of them next year down in Indy for their wedding. It’s going to be relaxed and gorgeous and hopefully a bit cooler. Maybe if I’m lucky I can even see you burst into song, Taylor. Love you two so much and I can’t wait until next year. All the love – xx, M
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